Nail Surgery Specialist Clinic
We accept patients for nail surgery from the following insurance providers: BUPA, CIGNA, PRU HEALTH-VITALITY, AVIVA, HEALTHSHEILD, SIMPLE HEALTH, HELIX, AENTA
One of the UK's leading nail surgery specialist and fungal nail laser experts. Marion Yau has over 18 years in treating nail disorders and 15 years experience in nail surgery.

This is for toenail ingrown surgery, fungal nail surgery and other nail conditions which the Podiatrist recommend nail surgery for.
1st Toenail/Fingernail £799
Two Toenails/Fingernails £999 Additional Toenails/Fingernails £388
A redeemable consultation is needed prior to surgery. This can be completed virtually or face to face. this includes local anaesthic, nail removal, up to 3 wound reviews and antibiotics if needed. All surgery will be performed by Marion Yau. If Marion Yau is not available, it will be a doctor or Podiatrist trained by her.


Nail Surgery Specialist - Expert in providing surgical care for all nail conditions
Marion Yau has over 18 years of experience in treating nails disorders and 15 years of nail surgery experience. Marion Yau and her team will work with you to develop a treatment programme especially for you. Let's get you back on your feet today!
She has experience in removal many different types of nail conditions. From hard to treat fungal nail infections, to stubborn ingrown toenails and to very rare ram's horn nail and finger nails infections. Many of the nails she performed nail surgery has returns back healthier or even normal.
Many people develop a fungal nail infection at some point in their life. It's not usually serious, but can be unpleasant and difficult to treat.
Sometimes, the toenails become so overgrown and thickened and are difficult to cut with conventional nail clippers.
Bruised Nail injuries are commonly caused by crushing or laceration with a sharp object. These injuries can involve displacement of the nail/nail bed.
Retronychia is caused by an ingrown nail plate at the proximal nail fold. Retronychia is linked with recurring paronychia.
Onycholysis is when your nail separates from its nail bed. It often appears after an injury to your nail, but it may have other causes, including fungi.
An ingrown toenail develops when the sides of the toenail grow into the surrounding skin. Pain to the sides of the toe nail as well as the tip of the toe.
Total nail avulsion may be necessary if your nail is thick and pressing into the skin surrounding your toe.
Onycholysis is when your nail separates from its nail bed. It often appears after an injury to your nail, but it may have other causes, including fungi.
Sometimes, the toenails become so overgrown and thickened and are difficult to cut with conventional nail clippers.
Following your consultation with Marion Yau, you have been diagnosed with a problem with your nail.
It may be necessary to remove part of the nail or the full nail. You can either choose for the nail to grow back or permanent removal.
The usual procedure is as follows:
The toe or finger is made numb and painless by injecting a local anaesthetic into the base of the toe or finger.
The toenail or fingernail is cut right up to the base of the toenail or fingernail and the offending edge or own nail can then be pulled out.
If the nail is permanently removed. A small amount of acid (called phenol) is often put on the exposed part of the nail bed. This helps to stop the edge of nail regrowing or the full nail from growing
If the nail is to grow back, we will not put any phenol.
The nail is then dressed.
Once the anaesthetic wears off the toe or finger may be sore so you may need mild painkillers such as paracetamol for a day or so.
After the operation, the nail will regrow or will be narrower than before

Distorted nails and ingrowing toenail is a common condition which may cause discomfort or become infected. Various treatments can be given by a podiatrist (chiropodist)
What is an ingrowing toenail?
The nail becomes ingrowing when the side of the nail cuts into the skin next to the nail. This can become painful. The skin next to the nail may also become infected or inflamed. Any toe can be affected, but it is usually the big toe. It is a common problem, especially in teenagers and young adults.
What causes ingrowing toenails?
Usually there is no apparent reason why it occurs. Tight-fitting shoes may be a cause in some cases. It is also more common in people who cut their toenails very short and round. The correct way of cutting nails is straight across. This helps the nail to grow normally and may prevent ingrowing toenails from developing. Other possible causes are injury to the nail, a fungal infection of the nail, or possibly, medication such as isotretinoin.
What is the treatment for an ingrowing toenail?
Ingrowing toenails are usually treated by a GP or a podiatrist (chiropodist)If caught early.
In some cases, surgery is helpful.If the ingrowing part of the nail is small, it may be prevented from becoming worse, and sometimes cured, by the following. This treatment may be given by a podiatrist or GP, or you may be shown how to do it yourself:
Soak the toe in water for 10 minutes to soften the folds of skin around the affected nail.
Then, using a cotton wool bud, push the skin fold over the ingrown nail down and away from the nail. Do this starting at the root of the nail and move the cotton wool bud towards the end of the nail.
Repeat each day for a few weeks, allowing the nail to grow.
As the end of the nail grows forward, push a tiny piece of cotton wool under it to help the nail grow over the skin and not grow into it. Change the cotton wool daily.
Do not cut the nail but allow it to grow forward until it is clear of the end of the toe. Then cut it straight across and not rounded off at the end.
There are variations on this method - the principle is to keep the skin from growing over the edge of the nail. If the nailfold becomes infected Symptoms of infection are: increasing pain, swelling and redness near the ingrowing nail, and pus (yellow or green fluid) near the nail or under the nearby skin. If the infection is getting worse, you may have a throbbing (pulsating) pain, redness spreading over the toe, or a fever. Antibiotics may be needed to treat infection. It can also help to soak your feet in warm salty water, then carefully dry and rest your feet.
How can ingrowing toenails be prevented?
Cut your nails straight across; do not cut them too short or too low at the sides. The corner of the nail should be visible above the skin. (Tip: it is easier to cut nails after a bath or shower, when they are soft.)
Keep your feet clean and dry. Let air get to your toes when possible.
Avoid tight shoes and use cotton socks rather than synthetic.
How to make a claim
Before you access care, understand your cover
It’s a good idea to check your health cover before you access care, so you’ll know:
if they cover the cost of your treatment
where you can get treatment
the level of cover we’ll pay for, and
what excess payments may be payable by you.
Before you attend your appointment through your private healthcare provider. Please gain a pre-authorisation code or number.
A consultation is needed prior to nail surgery and if there is an infection, we may prescribe antibiotics* and apply a dressing* prior to surgery.
If there is no infection, we may perform the surgery the same day or schedule a date and time for surgery suitable for you. You will need to call back your insurance provider to gain authorisation for nail surgery removal.
After the surgery, we will need to review the wounds. Please gain follow up pre-authorisation code or number. Therefore, it is recommended to ask for two follow up authorisation in advance.
* Some insurance companies do not covered medication and dressing. Please check with your provider.
If you are a member of Vitality and BUPA UK. We will invoice them directly for your treatment. Other members may need to claim directly from the insurance provider after payment to us. We will send you all the necessary document.
If your private insurance provider does not pay your bill or if you have a policy excess than we will request the outstanding amount.
The Following are the codes
Initial consultation: No code needed
Follow up consultation: No code needed
Nail surgery: S6400 or S7010 or AA628
Insurance Provider Contact Details
BUPA: 0345 609 0111
BUPA INTERNATIONAL/ GLOBAL:+44 (0) 1273 323 563
AVIVA: 0800 158 3333
WPA: 0345 122 3100
Cigna: 01475 492334
Simply Health: 0800 197 6999
Health shield: 01270588555
Helix: 0208 763 3287
Vitality: 0345 602 3523
BUPA Provider Number: 85020325
Cigna Provider Number: 203195
Vitality Health: Marion Yau
WPA Provider Number: 920706491
AVIVA Provider Number: 600099010
Simply Health, Helix and Health Shield: No membership number needed