When you need chiropody in London, you can do no better than come to The Harley Street Foot And Nail Clinic. This is where you will find the team led by Marion Yau who has featured on TV and in social media, and has won many awards from Doctify, WhatClinic, and GHP - Global Health & Pharma – such as Best Podiatry Clinic London and the GHP Award For Client Service Excellence.

Chiropody in London is today referred to as podiatry in London which confuses some patients, but it is merely a change in terminology. A Chiropodist and Podiatrist are the same thing.
At Harley Street Foot And Nail Clinic, we are the only clinic in London that uses all medical interventions to treat nail infections. We all spend a great deal of time on our feet and as a result they can suffer from quite a number of conditions. Many patients also leave things longer than they should, so can suffer from ingrowing toenails, for example, which will continue to grow, only making the pain worse. The earlier you come to us for treatment, the better.
A condition that we see very regularly is fungal nail infection. In fact, it is fair to say that it can affect most people at some point in their lives. It is not normally serious, but it can be difficult to treat. There are two types of fungi that can cause the problem, one being Dermatophyte which causes athlete’s foot, and the other is Candida which causes thrush. What happens is that the fungal spores find their way between your nail and the skin – the nail bed – and munch away happily at the keratin in the nail.
As a result, the nail may become tender to touch; brittle, which can lead to it breaking or tearing; and can turn black, white, yellow, or green. It may also become thickened and distorted.
There are several methods of fungal nail treatment in London, and we are proud to be the only centre in the UK with a multidisciplinary team that includes doctors, nutritionists, podiatrists, and podiatry assistants.
We provide fungal nail treatment in London using a state-of-the-art painless laser treatment. This is a high energy laser that will kill the nail fungus. You will need more than one session, and for a mild to moderate infection this will require four treatments. In more severe cases, it will require additional sessions, but it will solve your problem.